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Creighton Community Public Schools


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December 2024 Minutes

A regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Creighton Community School District No. 13 was held on December
9, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. in the High School Library.
Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereof by publication in the Knox County News, as shown by the Affidavit
of Publication attached to the minutes.  Notice was also posted at the City Offices, front door of the high school, and
front door of the elementary school.
Notice of the meeting was simultaneously sent to all the members and a copy of their acknowledgment and receipt of
notice and agenda is attached to these minutes.  The availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice
as was the notice to the members of this meeting.  All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the convened
meeting was opened to the attendance of the public.  The agenda for the meeting is attached and incorporated into
these minutes.
President Fanta called the meeting to order at 12:01 p.m.  He announced that the Open Meeting Laws Act Poster was
displayed on the wall at the entrance.
Members present: Greg Kuhlman, Erik Burns, Duane Fanta, Josh Key, Amy Borgmann, and Dixie Hanefeldt.
Others Present:  Superintendent Weber, Principal Nilson, Principal Friedrich and Secretary Hoffman
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Kuhlman moved to move the agenda.  Seconded by Hanefeldt.  RCV:  6-0. Motion Carried. 
There was no public comment.
A. Superintendent Weber shared that the negotiations committee continues to meet with the CTA to finalize
negotiations. We will eventually need to update the thermostats in the elementary, as parts are becoming
difficult to find. A representative from ThermalCork will be here this week to look at exterior masonry repairs.
He presented a plaque in recognition of his years of service to the board.
B. Principal Friedrich shared that the elementary concert is Monday, December 16 and that safety buckets have
been updated in all rooms.
C. Principal Nilson shared information on ACT prep, SPED 101 meetings, and the Leadership and Sportsmanship
Summit he took students to.
D. Board President Fanta shared that he enjoyed serving on the school board for eight years.
E. There were no committee reports.
F. There was no correspondence.
The consent agenda consisted of the monthly financial report, bills, November board minutes, approval of Mrs. Linda
Anderson’s retirement effective at the end of the 24-25 school year, approve revisions to Policy 2008 (Meetings) as
presented, and approve revisions to Policy 3004.1 (Fiscal Management for Purchasing and Procurement Using Federal
Funds) as presented. Burns asked to pull out the Burn’s Lumber bill. Kuhlman moved to approve the consent agenda
pulling out the Burn’s Lumber bill. Seconded by Hanefeldt. RCV: 6-0. Motion Carried. Kuhlman moved to approve the
Burn’s Lumber bill. Seconded by Key. RCV: 5-0-1. Burns abstained. Motion Carried.
Discussion/Action Items:   
A. Board president Fanta had reviewed the compiled superintendent evaluation with Mr. Weber prior to the
meeting. Board members suggested changing the rating scale from three ranking options to five on the evaluation form.
Burns moved to approve the Superintendent’s 24-25 school year evaluation. Seconded by Borgmann. RCV: 6-0.
Motion Carried.
B. The board discussed the proposed superintendent contract. Hanefeldt moved to approve the proposed
superintendent’s contract effective on July 1 st , 2025 with removal of amendment 5. Seconded by Key. RCV: 6-0.
Motion Carried.

C. Every school is required to teach financial literacy to students. The board reviewed the financial literacy topics
taught at Creighton. All seniors are required to take a semester of personal finance prior to graduation.
D. The district’s injury prevention plan was reviewed.
E. The 2023-2024 audit was reviewed. Borgmann moved to approve the August 2024 audit as presented.
Seconded by Burns. RCV: 6-0. Motion Carried.
F. Discussion occurred on the architectural drawing bids from Fakler Architect to do security entrances for the
elementary and high school main doors and the front brick work. After much discussion, the board decided to proceed
with the purchase of the architectural drawings for the entrances. Kuhlman moved to approve the architectural designs
for the high school and elementary entrances through Fakler Architects through the special building fund. Seconded by
Key. RCV: 6-0. Motion Carried.
G. Borgmann moved to approve Josh Key’s attendance at the NRCSA legislative forum on February 20 and the
Spring Conference on March 20 and 21. Seconded by Burns. RCV: 6-0. Motion Carried.

At 1:30 p.m., Key moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Kuhlman. RCV: 6-0. Motion Carried. The next regular
meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Monday, January 13, at 7:00 p.m. in the high school library.

Jennifer Hoffman, Secretary