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Creighton Community Public Schools


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March 2022 Minutes

The regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Creighton Community School District No. 13 was held on March 14, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in the High School Library.


Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereof by publication in the Knox County News, as shown by the Affidavit of Publication attached to the minutes.  Notice was also posted at the City Offices, front door of the high school, and front door of the elementary school.


Notice of the meeting was simultaneously sent to all the members and a copy of their acknowledgment and receipt of notice and agenda is attached to these minutes.  Availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice as was the notice to the members of this meeting.  All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the convened meeting was opened to the attendance of the public.  The agenda for the meeting is attached and incorporated into these minutes.


President Fanta called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  He announced that the Open Meeting Laws Act Poster was displayed on the wall at the entrance.


Members present: Greg Kuhlman, Amy Borgmann, Duane Fanta, and Toni Tauber.  


Others Present:  Superintendent Weber, Secretary Hoffman, and district patrons.


Kuhlman moved to excuse Fritz and Hanefeldt.  Seconded by Tauber.  RCV:  4-0.  Motion Carried.


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Kuhlman moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Borgmann.  RCV: 4-0.  Fritz and Hanefeldt excused.  Motion Carried.


There was no public comment.



  1. Superintendent Weber shared the new administrative regulations in the budget process.  Interviews will be held this week for the AD/Social Studies position.  State aid went up $5,000 for next year.  He is planning on creating an exit survey for staff leaving.  Superintendent Weber reported that there will only around ten boys playing junior high football next year.  The next few years will have low numbers and then the numbers should increase again.  He asked the board if it was ok to reach out to area schools to see what their numbers are.
  2. Principal Nilson’s report stated that junior ACT testing in March 22 and the NSCAS testing will be in April.  Spring sport practices have begun, and state speech is on Thursday.  A representative from a track repair and rebuilding company will be here this week to inspect our track.  
  3. There was no president’s report.  
  4. The Americanism meeting held their second advertised public meeting prior to this board meeting.  
  5. There was no correspondence.


Borgmann moved to approve the consent agenda consisting of the monthly financial reports and bills, February board minutes, 1st reading of new board policies dues to legislative changes, and a review of student attendance policies.  Seconded by Tauber.  RCV:  4-0.  Fritz and Hanefeldt excused.  Motion Carried.


Discussion/Action Items:


  1. Superintendent Weber explained that the superintendent evaluation tool needed to be updated to reflect timing changes in the superintendent contract.  Tauber moved to approve the revised superintendent evaluation tool as presented.  Seconded by Borgmann.  RCV:  4-0.  Hanefeldt and Fritz excused.  Motion Carried.
  2. We receive erate support, technical support, and special education services through the adult transition program in Clearwater through ESU 8.  Kuhlman moved to approve the ESU 8 contract for the 2022-2023 school year as presented.  Seconded by Tauber.  RCV:  4-0.  Fritz and Hanefeldt excused.  Motion Carried.  
  3. Kuhlman moved to approve, with regrets, the resignation of Trent Simpson effective at the end of his current contract.  Seconded by Tauber.  RCV:  4-0.  Fritz and Hanefeldt excused.  Motion Carried.
  4. Bruklynn Henery has been offered the second preschool position.  Hannah Mayo has been offered the guidance counselor position.  Borgmann moved to hire Bruklynn Henery and Hannah Mayo for the 2022-2023 school year.  Seconded by Tauber.  RCV:  4-0.  Fritz and Hanefeldt excused.  Motion Carried.
  5. The master calendar for 2022-2023 is ready for approval.  The board discussed adding spring parent teacher conferences at a later date.  Tauber moved to approve the 2022-2023 master calendar as presented.  Seconded by Borgmann.  RCV:  4-0.  Fritz and Hanefeldt excused.  Motion Carried.  
  6. The district’s multi-cultural teaching reports were shared with the board.
  7. Tauber moved to enter executive strategy session to discuss a pending complaint and potential litigation which is imminent as evidenced by communication of a claim or threat of litigation to or by the public body and to share legal advice from the school district’s attorneys at 7:31 p.m.  Seconded by Borgmann.  RCV:  4-0.  Hanefeldt and Fritz excused.  Motion Carried.  At 7:45 p.m., Tauber moved to exit closed session.  Seconded by Borgmann.  RCV:  4-0.  Hanefeldt and Fritz excused.  Motion Carried.
  8. Upcoming board conferences were discussed. 


At 7:51 p.m., Kuhlman moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Tauber.  RCV:  4-0.  Hanefeldt and Fritz excused.  Motion Carried.  The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Monday, April 11, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in the High School Library.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


Jennifer Hoffman, Secretary