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Creighton Community Public Schools


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Minutes- June 19, 2017

The regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Creighton Community School District No. 13 was held on June 19, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in room 403.


Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereof by publication in the Creighton News, as shown by the Affidavit of Publication attached to the minutes.  Notice was also hung at the City Offices, front door of the high school, and front door of the elementary.


Notice of the meeting was simultaneously sent to all the members and a copy of their acknowledgment and receipt of notice and agenda is attached to these minutes.  Availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice as was the notice to the members of this meeting.  All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the convened meeting was opened to the attendance of the public.  The agenda for the meeting is attached and incorporated into these minutes.


President Morrill called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


Morrill announced that the Open Meeting Laws Act Poster was displayed on the wall.


Members present: Kay Morrill, Colleen Farnik, Greg Kuhlman, Dixie Hanefeldt, Tim Gragert, and Duane Fanta.


Others Present:  Superintendent Petersen, Principal Nilson, Secretary Hoffman, and district patrons.   


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.


Kuhlman moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Hanefeldt.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.

There was no public comment.


Gragert moved to approve the consent agenda consisting of monthly financial reports, May minutes, approval of policies 203.02, 203.03, 203.04, 203.05, 203.06, 301.03, 301.04, 302.02, 302.04, 302.05, 303.05, 303.06, 509.03, 609.09, 804.01, 804.01R1, and hiring Brenna Thies as a para.  Seconded by Fanta.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.



  1. Reports: 

Superintendent Petersen stated that the school has a Certificate of Accreditation from the Nebraska Department of Education for the 2017-2018 school year.  She shared a list comparing technology integration in the classroom from the last school year to this year.  Teachers have done a great job integrating new ideas. 


Principal Nilson reported that student scheduling was completed prior to the end of the school year, with 96% of requests met.  Teacher schedules have been completed for next year.  The 17-18 handbooks have been reviewed.  The 7th-12th grade community service project on the last day of school was a success.  We have heard several positive comments about it. 

            President Morrill shared a letter on property tax reform she received.  She handed out minutes from the monthly HVAC meeting and stated that that the project is going well.  An updated committee list was distributed.  Farnik and Morrill recapped the School Law Seminar they attended.  Both agreed it was very informative, as several law updates and how they relate to school law were covered.   


Thank you’s were received from Anna Fanning and Tyler Stubben for the Erwin McDowell Trust.


Discussion/Action Items:


  1. The multi-cultural teaching reports were reviewed by the board. 
  2. The policy committee suggests that some policies be changed.  The full policies with changes can be found attached to the official minutes.  Gragert moved to change policy 203.01(Board Organizational Meeting) to strike out and committees, add the word annually, and to waive the second reading.  Seconded by Fanta.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.  Fanta moved to approve adding the sentence, Persons requests may be asked to address their item during the public comment period., to policy 204.10 (Agenda), and to waive the second reading.  Seconded by Kuhlman.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.  Gragert moved to accept striking out the word and and then adding ,and signed off by Vice President and President before publication to policy 204.11 (Meeting Minutes) with the second reading waived.  Seconded by Fanta.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.  Policy 206.02 (Board Association Membership) needs to be updated to current associations.  Fanta moved to delete 2. North Central Association of Secondary Schools and Colleges and to correct the name on item four to NRCSA – Nebraska Rural Community School Association.  He moved to waive the second reading.  Seconded by Kuhlman.  RCV:  6-0. Motion Carried.  Gragert moved to approve adding the words with prior board approval to policy 206.03 (Board Member Development Opportunities) and waiving the second reading.  Seconded by Fanta.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.  The board held some discussion on policy 304.03 (Handbooks and Directives) as the wording in the policy was not clear on who can approve handbooks and the board wants to make sure that the administration is the one who creates the handbooks.  The policy will go back to the committee for review.  Gragert moved to include the teacher and student handbooks in policies 304.01 (Development and Enforcement of Administrative Regulations) and 304.02 (Monitoring of Administrative Regulations), with the second reading waived.  Seconded by Fanta.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.            
  3. Fanta attended the city council meeting where they discussed the FES presentation held in May.  He reported that the council felt the program costs was too high but they look forward to working with the school promoting the community. 
  4. Principal Nilson presented the updated handbooks.  The elementary handbook will be updated to state that 3rd through 6th grade parents may check grades on Powerschool and that report cards will be sent home at the end of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarters and picked up in the high school office after June 1st for the 4th quarter.  The consent signature page and transportation/photo release form will be removed from the handbook and sent home with the party sign up and health form the students receive on the first day of school.  The high school handbook will be updated to state that Board policy 508.03 will be followed for communicable or infectious diseases.  The independent study section will be updated to read that …Students taking independent study through other institutions or programs must provide course updates to the principal or guidance counselor upon request.  Independent study students are expected to keep current on their coursework.  Failure to keep current will result in consequences such as time after school, detention, etc.  The sentence stating that most lockers are equipped with locks will be removed, as they are available on request.  JH grades will now restart each semester.  Fanta moved to approve the elementary and high school handbooks with the changes listed above. Seconded by Hanefeldt.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried. 
  5. Item E deals with discussion and the receiving of legal advice related to possible litigation regarding the current roofing contracts and warranties.  Gragert moved that the board enter closed session to protect the public interest, to conduct a strategy session to discuss and receive legal advice related to possible litigation regarding the current roofing contract and to protect the attorney-client privilege.  Seconded by Fanta.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.  Morrill restated the motion and that the board will limit discussion to this issue.  The board entered closed session at 7:47 p.m.  At 8:43 p.m., Fanta moved to exit closed session.  Seconded by Gragert.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.  Kuhlman moved that we proceed with having our school attorney draft a letter to encourage the fulfillment of our existing contracts with Tremco, Inc.  Seconded by Fanta.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.  Hanefeldt moved that we authorize the administrative team to find a backup service provider to fix the roof if Tremco continues to default.  Seconded by Gragert.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.  Gragert moved, Hanefeldt seconded, that we authorize the administrative team to search for another warranty team.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.  Gragert moved to authorize the administrative team to direct KSB to file a lawsuit if necessary.  Seconded by Fanta.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.  Morrill moved to authorize the administrative team to instruct KSB to send a letter to Great Plains Roofing informing them that Tremco has never signed a final inspection on the elementary roof work completed August 16, 2016.  Seconded by Fanta.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.  Due to time restraints and the need to have the roof repaired prior to the new ceilings being hung for the HVAC project, the building committee may need to meet between board meetings.  Morrill moved to authorize the building committee to assist the administrative team on the process as necessary.  Seconded by Gragert.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.  Kuhlman moved that Farnik be an alternate for the building and grounds committee.  Seconded by Fanta.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried. 


President Morrill thanked Superintendent Petersen for her service to our school.   


The following bills were paid:


At 9:00 p.m., President Morrill adjourned the meeting.  The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Monday, July 10, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in room 403. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Jennifer Hoffman, Secretary