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April 2022 Board Minutes

The regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Creighton Community School District No. 13 was held on April 11, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in the High School Library.


Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereof by publication in the Knox County News, as shown by the Affidavit of Publication attached to the minutes.  Notice was also posted at the City Offices, front door of the high school, and front door of the elementary school.


Notice of the meeting was simultaneously sent to all the members and a copy of their acknowledgment and receipt of notice and agenda is attached to these minutes.  Availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice as was the notice to the members of this meeting.  All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the convened meeting was opened to the attendance of the public.  The agenda for the meeting is attached and incorporated into these minutes.


President Fanta called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  He announced that the Open Meeting Laws Act Poster was displayed on the wall at the entrance.


Members present: Duane Fanta, Greg Kuhlman, Amy Borgmann, Duane Fanta, Toni Tauber and Dixie Hanefeldt. 


Others Present:  Superintendent Weber, Secretary Hoffman, and district patrons.


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Fritz moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Borgmann.  RCV: 6-0.  Motion Carried.


There was no public comment.



  1. Superintendent Weber shared the extra duty assignment list for next year.  There may still be a few changes to the list.  He handed out the superintendent evaluation, which needs to be returned to Fanta by May 2.  We have Title 4 money to be used for STEAM projects.  The building committee will meet before the next meeting to determine summer projects.  He will meet with St. Ludger’s this month to discuss their Title and SPED needs for next year.
  2. Principal Nilson shared that spring activities are in full swing.  NSCAS testing is underway.  A candidate was interviewed for the high school special education position. 
  3. The McDowell committee met prior to the board meeting.
  4. There was no correspondence.


Hanefeldt moved to approve the consent agenda consisting of the monthly financial reports and bills, March board minutes, and the 2nd reading of new policies dues to legislative changes.  Seconded by Kuhlman.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.


Discussion/Action Items:


  1. The annual safety audit was conducted on April 6th and the district safety team met today to review the findings and any potential changes.  A few suggestions from the audit were to put some dust collectors in the shop, mark tornado shelters, and look at the Safe2Help program.  Some threat assessment training will occur this summer.  School maps will be handed out to local emergency personnel. 
  2. Fritz moved to accept the resignations of Jessica Gragert and Colby Eymann.  Seconded by Borgmann.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.
  3. Dan Polk is recommended for the high school history/AD position.  Borgmann moved to approve the contract for Dan Polk for the 2022-23 school year.  Seconded by Fritz.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.  Melissa Weber is recommended for the high school special education position.  Her contract will be moved to the end of the meeting.
  4. The McDowell committee held their annual meeting.  The discussed removing some trees on the property and fixing the fence.  They also recommend current graduates receiving $2,000 loans and past graduates receiving $3,000 loans.  Tauber moved to offer $2,000 loans (payable in two payments) to current graduate applicants and $3,000 loans to past graduate applicants. Seconded by Hanefeldt.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.   
  5. Superintendent Weber shared information with the board about adding a LMHP (licensed mental health practitioner).  Schools are beginning to see more kids have social emotional needs at younger ages.  We could contract a LMHP through the ESU next year for two days a week for $37,200.  Next year a grant would pay for $30,000 of the cost.  We could reevaluate at the end of next year if we would want to continue the program for the following year.  Fritz moved to approve the addition of an LMHP for the 2022-2023 school year.  Seconded by Tauber.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.
  6. Junior high football numbers for the next few years will be around ten or less each year.  Bloomfield will also have low numbers for junior high football.  The administration from both schools have worked together to figure out the logistics of co-oping junior high football.  Games would try to be scheduled against other teams where both an A and B game could be played.  Both teams would provide coaches and practices and games would be held at both towns.  Fritz moved to approve a junior high football co-op with Bloomfield for the 2022-2023 school year.  Seconded by Borgmann.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.
  7. There are no upcoming board member conferences.
  8. Fritz moved to enter closed session at 8:00 a.m. to discuss, consider, and take all necessary action regarding a complaint submitted on 4/4/2022 and the request for relief articulated therein and the discuss the hiring of Melissa Weber.  Seconded by Borgmann.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.  Tauber moved to end closed session at 8:41 p.m.  Seconded by Hanefeldt.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.  Fritz moved to grant relief as requested by the complainant.  Seconded by Fanta.  RCV:  4-2 Kuhlman – no, Tauber – no, Borgmann – no, Fanta – yes, Fritz – yes, Hanefeldt – no.  Motion Failed.  Borgmann moved to hire Melissa Weber as the high school special education teacher for 2022-2023.  Seconded by Hanefeldt.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.  Superintendent Weber will file conflict form NADC-C4 upon approval of Melissa’s contract.
  9. Board policy #0408.02 (Certificated Employee Contract Release) was updated.  The changes would add that the board must approve a teacher’s resignation and remove the information stating that a request for release from your contract before May 1 shall be accepted by the board without any conditions.  Fritz moved to approve policy #0408.02 by adding the changes in green and striking the changes in red.  Seconded by Tauber.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.


At 8:52 p.m., Kuhlman moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Borgmann.  RCV:  6-0.  Motion Carried.  The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Monday, May 9, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in the High School Library.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      


                                                                                                                        Jennifer Hoffman, Secretary