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Creighton Community Public Schools


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March 22 Agenda

 Opening the Meeting 

 Call to Order 

 Nebraska Open Meetings Law is posted in the H.S. Library 

 Meeting date, place and time was posted at the Creighton H.S, Creighton Elem, Creighton City Offices and published in the Knox County News

 Roll Call 

 Excused Absence: 

 Unexcused Absence: 

 Pledge of Allegiance 

 Approval of Agenda 

 Public Comment 




 Board President 

 Board Committee 


 Consent Agenda 

 Monthly financial report 

 Approval of Minutes 

 Approve 1st reading of new board policies due to legislative changes.  

 Review student attendance policies.  

 Discussion/Action Items 

 Approve updated Superintendent evaluation tool 

 Approve ESU 8 contract for the 22-23 school year 

 Approve resignations. 

 Approve new certified hire contracts for the 22-23 school year.  

 Approve the Creighton Community Schools 22-23 Master Calendar 

 Review the 21-22 District Multicultural Annual Report  

 Strategy session to discuss a pending complaint and potential litigation which is imminent as evidenced by communication of a claim or threat of litigation to or by the public body and to share legal advice from the school district’s attorneys. (Discussion likely to be held in closed session.) 

 Approve board member attendance at professional conferences.  


 Upcoming Dates