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Classroom Rules / Expectations

September 10, 2012


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Mr. Kibbie’s Expectations and Classroom Procedures 2012-13


1. Be Responsible

a. Follow all room and school guidelines.

b. Respect other people's property and demand respect for your property and
belongings. If you do not want to share something, leave it in your locker.

c. Return all items that you borrow.

2. Be Respectful

a. Be courteous and polite to everyone in the class.

b. Be Appropriate

i.  Choose your words and actions to minimize scrutiny from other students

and faculty,

ii.  Do not touch anything on my desk unless you ask. Doing so will result in

a detention.

3. Be Prepared

a.  Turn in assignments on time.

i. Be prepared at the start of class and have your assignment finished. Make sure you have a pen/pencil, note book, and assignments before coming to class,

ii. Bring your book everyday.

4. Do your best

a. I will accept nothing less than your best effort. I will notice your effort and grades in class, but I will not be able to tell if something is going on outside of class. If you are having trouble, let me know.

b. You will be required to read and to apply methods learned throughout
this class.

c. If you need assistance, let me know. We can schedule a time before or after class
to meet.

Building Rules

  1. Obey all school policies (i.e. Internet Use Policy, Food and Drink, etc.)
  2. Lunch room rules.
  3. Emergency Drills.
  4. 4.     NO CELL PHONES! (See Student Handbook p. 6)

Beginning of the period

1.   Enter the room in an appropriate manner.

a. Sit at your assigned desk.

b. If you have any concerns, bring them to me now.

c. If you are going to be absent and need assignments, let me know now.

2. Attendance

a.   All students will be required to enter the class on time and prepared,

i.  Tardiness

  1. If you enter the room late, you will be marked tardy. If you have a
    note for being late you will be marked present.
  2. After Six (6) tardies you will be given a half-hour detention as per
    school policy (See Student Handbook p. 15). For further
    punishment, please refer to p. 15 in Handbook.
  3. During the transition or at the end of class, I will approach you and
    you will be given time to explain yourself if you do not have a note,

3. Absence Make-Up Work

a. When you know that you will be absent, either for a school event or other event,
you should try to complete your homework before you leave.

b. When you return from an absence, it is your responsibility to get your missed
assignments (look in hanging file). You will then have two days for every missed day to complete the assignments and turn in your homework, including quizzes and tests. There will be exceptions to students who miss an extended amount of time. Note: If
assignments are not turned in within two days of being absent, I will mark a zero
(0) in the grade book for the particular assignment.

4. Participation

a. You will come to class prepared with your homework and reading assignment

b. Classroom participation is expected.

During the Period

5. Desk Organization

a. All desks shall remain where I position them (Unless told otherwise).

b. Respect other student's property on their desks.

c. Do not touch anything on my desk unless permitted to do so.

6. Seating Arrangements

a. All students will be assigned a seat at the beginning of the year (May change with behavior/Trust).

b. You are expected to stay in your assigned seat unless instructed to do otherwise.

7. Group work

a.   Students will get into groups the following ways:

i.   Alphabetical listings

ii.  Teacher preference

iii.  Student choice

8. Bathroom

a. When you are ill or an emergency.

b. When you have asked permission from the teacher.

c. There will be a pass that you will use when you exit the room and return.

9. Classroom discussions

a. All students will come to class prepared and ready to speak.

b. All students will listen while others are presenting or talking.

c. All students will respect the opinions and knowledge being shared by others.

d.  When I am speaking you are not NO EXCEPTIONS.  Same respect applies to your fellow classmates

10. Collecting materials

a.   Papers and assignments must be turned into the corresponding grade and class basket located on the table in the front of the room.







Permission to View Film/Video

Dear Families,

Occasionally, film/videos are used in the classroom in order to illustrate a particular curricular-related concept.


I am notifying you that we will be watching film/videos in class with a rating no higher than pg-13.


Please return the permission slip below by ________August 24, 2012_______________.



Child’s Name ______________________________________________________________


____ Yes, I give my son/daughter permission to view curriculum and school appropriate film/videos related to classroom content and subjects.


____ No, I do not give my son/daughter permission to view curriculum and school appropriate film/videos mentioned in this letter. I understand alternate learning experiences will be provided for my child while the movie is being watched.



Signature of Parent or Guardian: ____________________________ Date: ___________


Thank You,


Mr. Kibbie